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With quality, reliability & flexibility as their main focus, Cosel pride themselves on developing some of the highest quality and most reliable products seen anywhere in the world today. This has led to them achieving a PPM of just 30 - Cosel power supplies are built to last! 

Today, Cosel is a $200m global company employing some 572 staff with sales offices throughout Japan, Asia, Europe and North America. Cosel power supplies are aimed mostly at demanding applications within the Industrial, Factory Automation, Medical, Telecoms, Lighting, Audio/Broadcast & Renewable Energy sectors. A flexible approach with full in-house design means they can deliver products using the very latest technology to meet the growing demands of our customers. 

Power Supply Range from Cosel 

  • AC - DC Power Supplies - 3W to 10kW 
  • DC - DC Converters - 1.5W to 700W

For more information regarding Cosel Power Supplies please contact the team 

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